FAN Program

Faith, Activity, and Nutrition Materials & Resources
In addition to offering actual physical activity and healthy eating opportunities and programs, it is important to spread the good news about healthy eating and physical activity throughout your congregation or group and give members a chance to see, hear, taste, and experience FAN! FAN materials and resources are provided to assist the Pastor, FAN Coordinator, and other FAN Committee members support the FAN program over time. By introducing new ideas each month, through messages, handouts, and recipes members are able to take small steps along the path toward a healthier lifestyle. Whether building physical activity into worship or trying new healthy recipes or DASH ideas, FAN materials and resources offer fresh ideas & creative ways to support FAN.
Monthly FAN Materials
Each month the FAN Committee is encouraged to focus on a new strategy for increasing physical activity or healthy eating. Materials such as bulletin inserts, “health moment” announcements, and a variety of handouts are provided to assist key leaders in getting the message out to the congregation. This allows members to hear similar messages in different ways.
Each monthly packet of materials will include:
- A FAN Committee Packet which gives an overview of the month’s goal or area of focus, creative ways to emphasis the goal, along with a bulletin insert to share throughout the congregation
- A Pastor’s Packet that includes ideas for how the pastor may serve as a positive role model for the congregation and support FAN goals
- A Cook’s Packet that includes healthy recipes, handouts and other healthy eating resources
Topics covered over the course of the next 15 months of FAN will address how to:
- Set goals for health, self-monitor health habits, problem-solve and overcome obstacles
- Enlist social support from family and friends
- Build self-confidence for health goals
- Maintain healthy environments for healthy eating and physical activity
- Self-reward for maintaining healthful habits
- Prevent relapses to meeting health goals
Begin using monthly FAN materials and resources to put your church’s program in place!
Download all 15 Monthly FAN Materials
DASH Eating Plan
The DASH eating plan stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. DASH offers tips on how to start and stay on a healthy eating plan by decreasing the amount of sodium you consume; increasing fruit and vegetable, and whole grain consumption. Learn more about DASH.
FAN Healthy Recipes
FAN cooks and Clemson University chefs worked together to develop healthy, easy, and quick recipes that appeal to the entire congregation -- men, women, older adults, and even young children. Test out a healthy FAN recipe at your next function or meeting. In addition to serving a traditional menu item, spice up the menu with a bit of FAN Flair!