Key Components of
Eight Steps to Fitness
Physical-e-Fit worked to increase physical activity and healthy eating opportunities for members by offering an 8-week program called "8 Steps to Fitness." 8 Steps to Fitness was designed to give members the knowledge and skills needed to increase physical activity and improve eating habits. It should be delivered in a group setting that allows about an hour for instruction and discussion and up to 30 minutes of physical activity. Each weekly module covers a new topic related to creating a healthier lifestyle. It was designed for lay leaders to deliver the program, so it is a great "off the shelf" program.
By the end of the 8-week program, each participant should have the skills and information needed to:
- take part in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (e.g., brisk walking) on 5 or more days of the week. It can be done in 30 minutes all at once, or in bouts of 10 or 15 minutes,
- incorporate at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetable (2 fruits, 3 vegetables) in their diet each day, and
- better control or decrease dietary fat and portion sizes.

8 Steps to Fitness is divided into weekly modules that follow a similar format. Each session includes at least 10 minutes of physical activity, an opening prayer and scripture to be read aloud, structured teaching material, and participant handouts. Session members are given take home assignments at the close of each of the session and encouraged to be active throughout the week.
Each session is designed to have a group facilitator or guide. It is not necessary that the guide have specialized training in health in order to lead the group. Their primary role is to keep the discussion on track. Click on the modules below to take the first step toward implementing 8 Steps to Fitness with your church or group.
Week 1: Basics of Physical Activity
Week 2: Basics of Healthy Eating
Week 3: Self-Monitoring and Weighing the Pros & Cons
Week 4: Goal Setting and Self-reward
Week 5: Overcoming Barriers
Week 6: Enlisting Social Support and Stress Management
Week 7: Creating a Healthy Environment
Week 8: Relapse Prevention and Course Review