Physical Activity Resources

Health and Fitness Websites

AARP Health and Wellness:
This site provides updated health information targeting seniors. Topics include the benefits of walking, strength training and maintaining flexibility in addition to other tips on healthy, active living.

ALIVE (A Lifestyle Intervention by Email):
ALIVE is a personal wellness coaching program designed to assist the user set achievable small-step physical activity goals.  The program sends friendly email tips and reminders to stay on track.

America on the Move
This site provides tools and resources for making healthy lifestyle changes including setting and meeting physical activity goals, overcoming barriers, choosing appealing activities.

Black Women's Health:
This is a website dedicated to the health and wellness of African American women. It contains information on physical activity and other health-related topics.

CDC: Physical Activity:
This site offeres user-friendly material about the benefits of physical activity and how to get started with a physical activity programs.
This is a great site for information on health and fitness events for special groups (women, elders, families).

Hair Care Tips for Sisters on the Move:
This booklet offers tips to make hair care easier for active women.

Hands on Health - South Carolina:
This site provides more info about chronic diseases, health conditions, and promoting a healthy lifestyle in SC.

Sisters Together: Move More, Eat Better:
This website describes a national program to encourage African American women to maintain a healthy weight by becoming more physically active and eating healthier foods. The "online publications" section includes links to a number of useful documents about physical activity and diet.

Small Step:
This website gives lots of helpful tips for increasing your physical activity and living a healthy lifestyle.

The President's Challenge - You're it. Get fit!
This site challenges people of all ages to become more physically active. There is also an online log that lets you track your progress.


Physical Activity Guides & Toolkits

Community Healthy Activities Model Programs for Seniors (CHAMPS)
The Community Healthy Activities Model Program for Seniors (CHAMPS) is a choice-based physical activity program to increase the activity levels of adults 65 and older. A manual is provided to develop a balanced physical activity program (endurance, strength training, flexibility, balance, and coordination) which may include taking part in community activities or exercising on their own.

2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Toolkit:
This toolkit provides resources that will support and encourage people in your community to get the amount of physical activity they need, based on the Guidelines and their own goals.

Senior Exercise & Fitness Tips:
Use this website as a helpful guide to learning physical activity and health tips for older adults.

WebMed Health and Fitness Guide:
Comprehensive guide of health and fitness that covers the basics including cardio, strength training, stretching and balance.

Youth Physical Activity Guidelines Toolkit:
This toolkit offers strategies that schools, families, and communities can use to support youth physical activity.


Physical Activity Books and Media

Fit for the King Ministries with Thomas Hundley:
The mission of the ministry is to improve the health and physical fitness of all of God’s children (young and old) through Christian-based fitness programs. Program includes book, dvd and personal training/group sessions.  

Instant Recess: Building a Fit Nation 10 Minutes at a Time:
Find physical activity books, CDs & DVDs available for purchase including the Gospel Lift Off, African Dance, Tutti Frutti (for kids). Read excerpts and listen to samples online.

Leslie Sansone's Walk the Walk:  
This collection of videos and materials helps the user begin a walking program to help burn fat, shape and tone muscle, build bone strength, and reduce stress in the comfort of your home. It has programs for various fitness levels.

Sweating in the Spirit with Donna Richardson Joyner:
Enjoy an aerobic work out set to gospel music to strengthen the mind, body and spirit. CDs and DVDs available for purchase.

Tae Bo:
A range of cardio CDs and DVDs of various intensity levels available for purchase, including Believers Power Within series.

Winsor Pilates Original Set:
Find DVDs, CDs, book and other fitness products related to pilates, a series of mat exercises to help balance the body, improve motion, strengthen, and promote mental & physical health.