
7th Episcopal District
of the AME Church
The 7th Episcopal District of the AME church has a rich history of partnering with the University Community to increase health. The partnership which began in 1996 with the Medical University of South Carolina, later expanded to include the University of South Carolina. Working together the Health-E-AME Physical-e-Fit Program was developed in 2001 to increase physical activity among more than 300 AME churches and community residents. The Physical-e-Fit Program included "praise aerobics," which combines traditional aerobic exercise with gospel music, chair exercises and walking clubs. An AME Cookbook of traditional favorite dishes was created with modified, healthier ingredients. This collaborative effort was recognized in 2003, receiving the SC Governor’s Council Faith-based Award for Physical Activity.
It is out of the partnership’s continued mission to improve health among AME members throughout the state that Faith, Activity, and Nutrition (FAN) was developed in 2006 to increase physical activity and healthy eating. The FAN Program represents a partnership between the 7th Episcopal District of the AME Church and four Universities in South Carolina: The University of South Carolina, the Medical University of South Carolina, Clemson University, and Allen University. Representatives from each of these organizations worked together to make FAN the best program possible. This website is designed to share the good news about healthy eating and physical activity with all who come across it!